Sunday, December 26, 2010

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Thursday, November 4, 2010

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Expiry date What's this?

Best before date is printed on the pack date. By this date, a time period specified in the items are 100% quality holding.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

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cleanliness in the camp

cleanliness is essential for the proper work in the warehouse . The cleanliness in the camp relates to
the work rooms,
the transport routes,
the storage
stored goods
the tools
A clean camp has many advantages
low risk of injury,
good impression on customers and visitors.
longer lasting Lagerwerzeugen requires
went in by rule Undersized cleaning
by at (eg removing oil or grease spot immediately)
by cleaning on certain occasions
by cleaning at idle
The cleaning of the camp and can machines
pleasant working conditions
The cleanliness in the camp can be achieved through the following measures can be performed by qualified personnel or camp staff.
by hand or by using Reinigungsmaschienen. But the best
möglichkeilt cleanliness in the camp capture the disorder and thus to avoid work that no waste is produced. For example, empty cartons to use as packing or filling material.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

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verladen.Rechten goods and obligations.

A driver helps the shipper in loading the truck. He damaged a one Palette.Wer is responsible for damage ?
shipper / consignor is responsible because nasty case is not responsible carrier (driver) special mailers for safe shipment. Driver only in this case only as an Agent of is the sender.
The HGB $ 412 Is:
HGB § 412
loading and unloading
(1) Unless the circumstances or the common usage requires otherwise, the sender has to load the goods transportation safely , to dam and (load) to attach to and discharged. The carrier has to ensure the reliable shipment.

sender is responsible for safe transportation e loading and unloading heist to the extent otherwise vereinbart.Dass that shippers must secure the load for loading into the back haul.
carrier (driver) is responsible for reliable loading. DH vehicle must be provided according to the charge.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

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safety in ground storage.

It is at wichtg Bodenlagurung the rules for storage facilities and equipment, BGR to note 234th
This trade association rules contain all the rules to be at ground storage eachten b. These include the following:

Nutz, load, Stapelhöche.
When Stpelung of pallets and other handling aids may the maximum loads, vertical loads and Stapelhöchen not be exceeded.

The stack may differ only up to 2% of lotgerechte state.

ratio height / narrow side.
The ratio (stack height to narrow side of the base) must not be 6:1. In EURO range 0.8 * 6 = max 4.8 meters high, a stack may be

load distribution.
heavy loads down and light up.
load distribution for the Vierwegepalete.
a Palete must not exceed 1000-1500 kg and lowest record # palete may take up to 4 times the total load.

load pallets for distribution.
load a pallet = 1000 kg. Max 5 pallets may be stacked together.

stacks, stability and ladders.
on stacks may be no ladders or other objects are modeled. Especially if
thereby the stability of the stack will be impaired.

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storage technology.

statement. What is the soil storage?

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warehouse receipt

warehouse receipt is a security:

evidencing the right to restitution of the stored material.

The warehouse receipt embodies the goods or the right of the goods the means the customer will not pay for the product itself, but a warehouse receipt .
This gives him the right that goods stored in a warehouse on presentation handed over to the warehouse warrant get .

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theme camp, definition and tasks. Bearing types Bearing types

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central warehouse and Dezentrallager.Unterscheidung ....

central warehouse:

better use of space
storage facilities and trucks better use
keep material stocks lower
total demand better detected
rare but in larger Quantities Shopping reduce supply costs
(fewer orders, higher volume discounts)
staff better plan
materials delivery and delivery is quite feasible

disadvantages: Advantages

longer start- longer delivery times

Distributed storage:
coordination between inventory, production or sale is often easier
Information flow is faster between departments
allow the use of special equipment (heating, ventilation, humidification),
ensure proper storage.
short distances

disadvantages: higher

more material inventories
total demand and often confusing
more staff effort

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bearing types. Distinguishing design.

bearing types. Distinguishing design.

Free Stock:

storage, in a fenced area to protect against theft, weather resistant and theft-prone little
goods such as wood, construction materials, empty containers.

fastening the floor vents increased pollution and the background for the use of transport and Funding.

half open storage and covered storage offer no lateral protection, however, offer to create low construction and maintenance costs.
storage at semi-open storage area are as machinery, pipes, ore, steel.

Closed Stock:

goods to the weather and the risk of theft are exposed in closed storage, ie stored in warehouses or buildings.

you usually have all the facilities for storage, relocation, dispensing, measuring and weighing of goods to be stored to perform just like the rooms for the camp staff for the necessary administrative work and sanitation.

Bunker-/Silo- depots:
If storage containers for the storage of bulk solids, liquids or gases.
designs can be cylindrical or rectangular.
The heights can reach up to 50m and net capacity of 2.000m ³.
These camps are filled from above and continuous handling (loading).
sample is taken from the bottom of the outlet device.

design of the bearing

flat storage:
building up to about 7 meters in height where the camp is located.
referred to as a high-floor storage if the building heights to reach about 12 meters. You are suitable for block storage and shelf storage. Planning is important to ensure the appropriate support distance since the supports are taken into account when designing the layouts.
It is not often a staircase, lift, and the like present / necessary

floor warehouse:
stacked flat stock on several floors.
occasion is often to increase with small pieces of land around the camp area.
disadvantage is almost always the need to reach only the elevators's is a bottleneck in the material flow.
In planning the appropriate ceiling sustainability eighth.
Firemen and Escape options are limited on the upper floor.

design of the bearing

high-bay warehouse:
camp with a height of around 12 meters.
The highest bearing in practice, even from heights of 45m and a length 120m.

There are two basic designs :

a) fixed structure (concrete construction), the racks are free standing.
is retrofitted into an existing building with an appropriate volume of a high shelf.

b) the shelves themselves are used as a support structure for the walls and ceiling of the warehouse.
If the building exterior is made of lightweight profile sheets, the outermost points directly to the shelf are anmontiert. The roof is supported by extended shelf stand. Thus save the enormous cost of construction, types are suitable as a shelf-length, cross-members or shelves

warehouse is not used for other purposes as opposed to flat or floor storage.

high bay = Special purpose machines

design of the bearing

air dome Stock:

existence of a shed skin of a breathable fabric, this is like a balloon by fans spanned over a fixed base.

Access only through air locks.

They are mainly used as a substitute warehouse thanks to the rapid assembly and disassembly.

The vulnerability to storms and snowfall
is limited by the curved shape of the space utilization factor.

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bearing types internal and external storage. Advantages and disadvantages.

bearing types internal and external storage.
advantages and disadvantages.

self storage:
-house storage

advantages: immediate
own staff
better material flow
improve the information flow
better availability

idle capacity costs of the camp
fixed costs
personnel costs
bearing types

external storage:

external goods storage on time, eg for reasons of cost-

temporarily as at full-bearing

exception, such as when required storage facility
(not air conditioning, etc. in their own storage available)

as temporary storage during transportation of Goods
eg in ports, airports and railway stations.

benefits has
investment costs for construction of a warehouse saved
storage costs for personnel, material and equipment accounted
no storage costs for poor storage utilization
logistics provider qualified personnel

unreliability of the logistics provider
depending on the service
overhead the information flow from business to customer service

not as flexible
reputation falls to the customer because there is no private storage available
no direct access onto product

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bearing types. Distribution by type of organization.

bearing types

hand stock:
at the workplace is a warehouse with small parts
as screws, gaskets, rivets, cables, etc.

No procurement channels for the work force.

The material access is usually free access (if necessary the material without individual accounts)

Thus, while administrative work saved but the consumption is not controlled precisely.


The finished product, we stored necessary to reduce transit time and the customer.

interim storage / buffer stocks / Workshop Stock:
goods are stored until further processing, because results in several stages.

bearing types

Warehousing / goods store:
Manufactured products are sold can not immediately be deposited between.
The camp is mainly the task of bridging between production and sales.

special camp:

needed storage for industrial plant Tools, tool storage need its own office supplies, office supplies warehouse.

spare parts warehouse: to be able to supply
dealers and repair shops with spare parts for repairs and maintenance.


The depot is in the shop where the goods
the customer is offered.

reserve storage

The product is believed to be unpacked, tested, labeled and stored until needed
for sale.

commission or consignment store:


is picked from the warehouse.
gathering of according to a customer order or a
Rüstauftrages requested article.

consignment store:
storage products, which are owned by the supplier,
done with the payment only by the terms of the consignment stores.

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bearing types. Organization of Lagers.Lagerunterscheidung after ....

organization of the camp


This storage similar goods or class of commodities in designated warehouses are summarized.
example: cable storage, rod storage, fuel storage facilities.

in consumption-oriented warehouses storing the parts in accordance with the requirements of the parts is designed in production.
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bearing species distinction:

by location = (central, decentralized storage)
on mode = (wholesale, retail, industrial)
wholesale = (warehouse, warehouse Commission)
retail = (selling stock, reserve stock)
industry = (raw materials, fuels, auxiliary storage)
According to the owner. Self-storage, external storage

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bearing types. The distinction between modes.

bearing types
the distinction between modes.
industrial plant
industrial enterprises are mainly engaged in the manufacture of goods.
such, you need:


form the major part of a manufactured good
as wood for a cabinet, steel in a vehicle

play in producing a good value and volume terms, only a small Role
eg glue, screws

be in producing a good consumed

as electricity, water and lubricants.

So does an industrial plant:
Rohstofflager , auxiliary storage and fuel storage:

It is possible to build a central warehouse for the total or in each case at the point of use to run their own decentralized warehouse.

These warehouses fulfill mainly a backup role, ie the smooth supply of production with raw materials and supplies.

When purchasing large quantities by reducing prices on the camps but also the bridging function and speculation.


wholesalers sell goods in large quantities to retailers and

to industry trembles Riebe.
This requires large warehouses necessary.
order to reduce storage and transport costs, these camps are usually located on the outskirts of cities.
They also often have their own rail terminal or port facilities are close by or highways.
Many distributors still maintain their own warehouse to reduce transit time and the customer.

is picked from the warehouse.

collecting the requested according to a customer order or
a Rüstauftrages Article

consignment store:
storage products, which are owned by the supplier,

where payment is made only by the terms of the consignment stores

The retail draws its goods directly from manufacturers or wholesalers and sells them in small quantities to consumers.
retail establishments maintain a sales and warehouse

one or more reserve storage.
The depot is selling space in which the goods the customer is offered.
In reserve storage, the goods are believed to be unpacked, tested, labeled and stored until needed for sale.

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camp. Definition and tasks.

camp. Definition and tasks.
storage is not new. Our ancestors put on food supplies, created for the corresponding reservoirs and storage facilities.

Definition: In stock means two things:
-space, goods kept in stock.
-the objects themselves that are stored.

tasks of storage:

backup tasks:
case of delivery delays, transport difficulties in accumulating additional consumption or increased Demand guarantees from the storage bottlenecks. Not for nothing is known as the iron
Holdings / minimum inventory and safety stock and meets the security function of the camp.

speculative question: If
expected price increases, creating an early purchase price benefits that outweigh the costs of storage.
(eg heating oil sales in the summer)

processing task:
Some goods received only by its bearing their full quality and maturity (wine, wood, tobacco, malt, cheese, etc.)
we speak of productive camps.

tasks of storage:
forming task
especially in warehouses of commercial establishments are held decanting, mixing or sorting operations in order to offer customers a wide assortment (product selection) and the goods in the desired quantities (100g, 500g, etc.) to provide .
For reshaping task is functional but also

Aussortierungsaufgabe /:
if unneeded, obsolete or damaged goods are removed from the camp to make room for new goods. The scrapping is to count them.

bridging tasks:

falling production and use of time apart, so it is bridged by the storage.
Sun takes the harvest just weeks away but the consumption extends throughout the year.

The camp also fulfills a bridging task / compensation function if the procurement of goods in time and quantity to the use in production are not parallel. Conversely, does not apply to the purchase after the Just - in - time - the process of bridging task storage.
Also the production warehouse serves a compensatory function when in the production cost reasons, large numbers are manufactured and put into storage and the sale takes place only gradually.

Monday, August 9, 2010

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statement. What is the soil storage?

definition floor storage.

floor storage means storage of goods on the ground.

The goods can be stored:
-bulk or packaged
with or without a storage device / storage equipment, eg Palete
-stacked or unstacked
-as a block or as a line

advantages and disadvantages of the soil storage.

advantages of soil storage:
no-cost for bearing device
-efficiency and maximum areas
-flexible storage and distribution area
-easy storage organization
-good expandability

disadvantages the ground storage
-Poor mechanisiebar
-high personnel costs
-low storage overview in large flocks
- PICKING only whole storage units
-room use is limited by bounded stack height
floor storage with no charger.
Definition: ground storage without charger. For these goods are

Lagerungart in unvepackten or packaged condition directly on the floor. This storage technology is special for heavy goods, such as suitable sperige
as cars, machinery, large tools.

In bulk material: gravel, sand, Grain.
floor storage with storage device.
Definition: floor storage with storage device .

is at this warehouse the goods are not otherwise derekt ground on pallets (storage equipment = Palet, Giterboxen, Hopper) The use of storage devices improves the stack and allows the use of forklifts.
The use of storage devices such as auxiliary Rundgen or essay and will not be Stapelramen Flachpaleten stapelfähigem material, eg bags ebenfals stackable. When
floor storage that is particularly important because one can increase the degree land use particularly.

The maximum thickness is Depends on the following factors:
- Height
- Cage capacity of the soil
- appropriate funding (truck)
- stability of the stack,
- on the strength of the bottom bearing assembly.

In floor storage you wake steles bearing units in the block storage or number storage.
shall prevail in this Decision is the kind of goods, the man aged.
block storage is perfect for large quantities of identical goods that have no expiration date, such as gravel, empty bottles and so on.
series storage is suitable for soil storage of the Different goods. This type of bearing beschteht a direct access to each pallet. But more space is required.
safety for soil storage.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

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import or Einffuhr.

definition. Import or Einffuhr

In Import verschteht to purchase and import of goods from companies who reside outside the country have.
for us means buying goods auserhalb the EU Member States.

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export or exports.

Definition: Export or export .

In Export verschteht you sale in foreign countries, for us, selling auserhalb the EU Member States.

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Beschteht trade off:

domestic trade
trade is within a Volkswirschaft ( within a state)


trade or International Trade
There is a trade between two Volkswirschaften (two countries)

Beschteht trade off:

definition. Announced Inenhande l.
Inenhandel or as internal trade is
trading for over one States / economy.

Definition: foreign trade.
There is a trade between two countries.
So foreign trade.
trade between two countries / economies
Ausenhandel is unknown divides internal trade and external trade.

Definition: intra-trade .
In intra-trade verschteht to trade between two EU Member States

D → EU-country intra-Community supply
EU country → D intra-Community acquisition.
Definition external trade .
In external trade verschteht to trade between EU Member State and a third country.

export / export
sale of goods from the EU to a third country

import / import
purchase Goods from third countries
Transit / transit
over the territory of this country is transported dutiable goods.

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point of entry.

Begrifserklärung: the point of entry.

ODV -> point of entry.
place of Introduction so i st, the place meant within the EU, reached the goods to imports from third countries. In maritime the unloading (seaport) (eg Emden) the point of entry .

for charges by air (air traffic ) To be conveyed, is the point of entry, the point at which the land frontier of the customs territory of the European Community flown is.

For charges by rail, Inland waterway or road transport be carried shall be point of entry the site of the first customs office to import of the charges ( goods) into the customs territory of the European Union .

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

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Chicks Chicks Christmas 2010 weekend, Lenzerheide

Friday, January 1, 2010

Outdoor Campfire Recipes

Dates 2010 Christmas 2009

February 6th February 2010 Geburi Karin B.
19th Chicks-February 2010 meeting in a pancake, Bea

March 27th 03/28/2010 & Chicks-ski weekend in the Lenzi, Sara

April 10th
April 2010 Geburi Karin G.
23rd Chicks-April 2010 meeting in Häggenschwil, Daniela
27th April 2010 Geburi Sara

in May 2010 junior Karin B.
26th 27th May 2010 Geburi Daniela
28th May 2010 Geburi Rachel
May 2010 meeting in Bürglen Chicks, Sara

June 24th June 2010 Geburi Claudia K. (40 years)
25th June 2010 Geburi Moni K.
30th June 2010 Geburi Patricia (30 years)

July 9th July 2010 meeting Chicks-Karin G. & Claudia L.

August 14th August 2010 Brunch, Patricia (Geburigeschenk Karin G., Sara, Rachel)
17th 21st August 2010 Geburi Irma
August 2010 Wedding Anita & Thomas

September 4th September 2010 wedding Rachel & Andi
7th 24th September 2010 Geburi Bea
WEGA September 2010, Bea
29th September 2010 Geburi Anita

October 24th October 2010 Geburi Claudia L.

27th November 2010 Chicks-meeting entertainment Pfyn

December 17th December 2010 Christmas Chicks, Patricia