Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Can You Complete Cube Field


Beschteht trade off:

domestic trade
trade is within a Volkswirschaft ( within a state)


trade or International Trade
There is a trade between two Volkswirschaften (two countries)

Beschteht trade off:

definition. Announced Inenhande l.
Inenhandel or as internal trade is
trading for over one States / economy.

Definition: foreign trade.
There is a trade between two countries.
So foreign trade.
trade between two countries / economies
Ausenhandel is unknown divides internal trade and external trade.

Definition: intra-trade .
In intra-trade verschteht to trade between two EU Member States

D → EU-country intra-Community supply
EU country → D intra-Community acquisition.
Definition external trade .
In external trade verschteht to trade between EU Member State and a third country.

export / export
sale of goods from the EU to a third country

import / import
purchase Goods from third countries
Transit / transit
over the territory of this country is transported dutiable goods.


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