Friday, January 21, 2011

Smtp Server For Ipcam

Haul (: p2

As the title already guessed, I was on Saturday in Germany. And what do you do if you're already there? SHOP of course: D Austrian dm's are unfortunately not blessed with all the Alverde range, so I took the opportunity immediately. I was visiting my aunt in Munich, from hats with ner spontaneous action (I liiiiiiiebe spontaneous actions). And just because it was so spontaneous, I had, as fate would have it, of course, no money: ( But salvation came in the form of my Aunt I have plenty on Wednesday. Birthday, and because of that I got a bit of dough from her gift, which has also invested immediately. She lives in Munich, just a few yards from a shopping center and because I just took a "walk" and watching what is happening so in the shops: D

And it could, of course, something with:)

Essence Black & White Holo-Topcoat

Essence Black & White Paint 02 White Hype

Essence Black & White Eye Shadow 2002 White Hype

p2 Your Wild Side sinful brown eye shadow 030

Alverde Mineral Eyeshadow 03 Dark Mocha

Alverde Camouflage Powder

Alverde baked Rouge 09 Copper

Alverde baked Raspberry Rouge 11

If you desire a review, tell me about says:)

The 100th Post! Oh man, that must be celebrated: D
I've always been considered something for a contest .. and I still have birthday on Wednesday, is located veeery:)


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